Utilysys® in full swing

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Mission & vision

The mission of the Utilysys Foundation is to improve the logistics of the export of flowerbulbs and perennials. It can and must be done cheaper, more sustainable and more efficient in the supply chain.


About the Utilysys Foundation

Utilysys Foundation is an initiative of the branch organizations Koninklijke Algemeene Vereeniging voor Bloemenbollencultuur, KAVB and Koninklijke Handelsbond voor Boomkwekerij- and Bol Producten, Anthos . Both organizations appoint the board members of the Utilysys Foundation, which works with partners to achieve the objectives.

The Utilysys® concept has been developed together with entrepreneurs and researchers and with the partners Twinpack BV (dealer), Van Krimpen BV (dealer), Bekuplast GmbH (producer) and Container Centralen Benelux BV (pooling services). The partners maintain business contacts with companies in the industry.

About the flowerbulb industry

The Netherlands is world leader in the international flowerbulb industry. An estimated 8.5 billion bulbs are produced in our country each year. They find their way to customers all over the world. The Netherlands holds about 60% of world production and about 85% of world trade in flowerbulbs. About 1,500 Dutch bulb growers supply about 100 Dutch trading companies. Export is very important. Many customers are located in the United States, Japan, China and Russia. Sales in European countries (including the Netherlands) are stable. To an important extent, the flowerbulbs go to nurseries that make flowers and potted plants out of them. The other part goes to garden centers and supermarkets, where consumers buy flowerbulbs to plant them in the garden. Read more about the meaning of the flower bulb sector at iBulb.